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This is is a full lesson with activities which goes over in detail interview preparation, how to prepare for 'killer' questions and interview techniques to name but a few. The PowerPoint lesson resource has detailed notes in the notes field to help with delivery. There is a session plan included which can be adapted to suit your organisations paperwork. Aims and Objectives: To identify what an interview is for To identify some common questions To know how to deal with a “Killer Question” To identify why people aren’t successful at interview. Full information handouts for students as well as a student self evaluation activity on interview skills have been provided also.
Application Forms and Cover Letters

Application Forms and Cover Letters

3 Resources
This bundle contains a detailed activity booklet on everything students need to know about letter writing, as well as handouts and a basic session plan which can be adapted to fit your organisation. The second resource is a worksheet focused around speculative and cover employment letters which includes student activities. Finally, there is also a comprehensive activity designed to inform students about where to look for jobs.
Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

A comprehensive 9 page workbook on Application Forms and resources which contains activities and information on the following : 1. The Employers Perspective-Student put themselves in the position of the employer and decide who they would want to interview based on application forms 2. Key things to remember when completing application forms-room for student notes 3. Student checklist 4. How employers look through application forms e.g. searching questions 5. Transferable Skills Information 6. Transferable Skills Review Activity 7. Student Reflection/Evaluation
Applying for Jobs

Applying for Jobs

7 Resources
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs: Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks Stress Awareness Employability Skills Workshop Employment Letter Writing Knowing Where to Look for Jobs
Cover and Speculative Letters

Cover and Speculative Letters

These worksheets provide students with detailed guidance about how to write effective speculative and cover letters in order to secure future employment. There are activities incorporated into these worksheets designed to get students to consider their skills and attributes, supporting them in producing unique employment letters to impress prospective organisations.
Quality Awareness

Quality Awareness

An interactive staff training session based around what is meant by 'Quality'. Enable those participating in the training session to consider how quality improved, the role of Ofsted and begin the preparation for receiving 'The Call'. This could also be useful for trainees and NQT's
Equality and Diversity in Society

Equality and Diversity in Society

A succinct resource which prepares students to debate the importance of equality and diversity within society, asking pertinent questions about whether these are the most importance principles or not. Students will also debate the negatives and intended positives of discrimination e.g. guaranteed interview schemes. This will help students to work as part of a team and develop their skills in constructing arguments.
Labelling Theory and Crime

Labelling Theory and Crime

This lesson introduces students to the idea of labelling theory and what can impact on being labelled as criminal e.g. the circumstance, historical period etc. Modern examples are used e.g. the one legged model to introduce students to this area in a way they can relate to. Students will embark on a range of activities surrounding Becker, Labelling theory, Producing a Web Page based on the theory and will be briefly introduced to the overlap between sociological/criminological theory and philosophy by looking at John Stuart Mills and Jeremy Bentham. This should last for around 2 hours depending on the group delivered to.


6 Resources
A range of lessons/resources which cover applying for jobs, what employability skills are and career planning.
Study Skills/Employability

Study Skills/Employability

7 Resources
This bundle is aimed at ages 16-Adults and covers essential aspects of most study skills/employment courses. It can also be used for tutorials during the lead up to students applying for jobs or applying for university. This bundle also includes presentation skills, career planning and personal SWOT Analyses.


10 Resources
This bundle features key tutorial topics surrounding bullying, drugs, employability, UCAS, alcohol, keeping healthy, radicalisation and more. It is aimed at 14-Adults. There are numerous activities which include citizenship, values, english, maths, ICT and employability.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness Tutorial

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Tutorial

This Tutorial features an activity on the 'Say No To Drugs campaign', an embedded maths activity on what alcohol data is showing amongst other discussion and research style activities. By the end of the session, students will be more knowledgeable on the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
Living Healthily Tutorial

Living Healthily Tutorial

This was produced for a short tutorial based on living healthily. Students partake in small group discussions, complete creative activities and learn that health is subdivided into different areas. The plenary focusing on online peer pressure and asks students to give advice to a friend. Very topical considering that the number of cases of online peer pressure/cyber-bullying are on the rise. This session is suitable for teenagers to adults. You will need minimum of an hour to do this tutorial and perhaps some poster/leaflet making materials e.g. pens and paper if possible. Students could also word process their work if computers are available. Lesson Objectives:
Career Planning

Career Planning

This tutorial was delivered over two one hour sessions to 16+ students and has links to up to date online resources. It guides students through the importance of planning their career and enables them to produce an initial careers plan. Lesson Objectives: Be able to identify career paths in your sector Be able to demonstrate your skills Be able to create a development plan and set goals for your future
Sexual Health

Sexual Health

This tutorial which could be delivered over two sessions has been designed with very little teacher input. I originally designed this for a group of personal tutors who had never delivered this topic and were concerned about whether their knowledge was up to date. This puts the onus on the students and is research based. It has been designed in such a way that students should stay on topic and address the tutorial in a sensible manner if groups are planned ahead of time by the teacher delivering the sessions. Smaller groups will work best. Lesson Objectives: Investigate a range of sexual health related topics and produce a 5 minute presentation Present information about a sexual health topic Identify sexual health services
Bullying Tutorial

Bullying Tutorial

This was a 1.5 hour tutorial originally produced for FE but would also apply to mature year 9 students and above. The session is mainly discussion based covering bullying, harassment etc. . However, student activities include creating a post it note wall to spark discussion, poster/research activity on cyber bullying and a case study analysis. Students will be working in pairs and small groups. Objectives which could be set might include: Define/Describe what is meant by bullying and harassment, Analyse the Impact that Bullying has on people, Identify support for individuals who are being bullied/harassment.
2016 End of Year Quiz

2016 End of Year Quiz

A fully interactive team quiz PowerPoint with a music round with embedded tunes. The quiz also tests students general knowledge. Approximately 45 questions. Comes with a team sheet for students to fill in answers and swap for peer assessment. Staff presentation included with answers. Used this for an observed lesson and got excellent feedback.


Originally produced for BTEC H&SC, Unit 9, Level 2 but would also be suitable for GCSE. Lesson was delivered in 1.5 hours with objectives as follows: To describe how smoking can effect health To explain why a smoker is at risk of diseases Please note, the quiz I have adapted from elsewhere but all other activities are original. Student activities include a smoking advert analysis, a paired extension activity where students investigate Cannabis, labelling physical and emotional health effects on worksheet provided, producing a warning poster/warning leaflet, starter activity and a range of other activities.
Road safety

Road safety

Lesson on road safety aimed at KS1. Could be delivered prior to a practical activity/role play. The aims are to make children more familiar with road signs, staying safe and understanding potential safe/dangerous places to cross.


KS2 tutorial following CEOP guidelines for staying safe online and general e-safety.